Mobile Pay Per Call
Mobile Pay Per Call
Mobile Pay Per Call
Like most mobile pay per call advertisers and publishers, you’re probably running paid online and mobile search campaigns to drive traffic that will yield you the highest return on investment. In order to maximize the performance of your search campaigns, you need to have the ability to track everything in real time— and that includes calls. With Real Time Pay Per Call Tracking and Reporting, Individual Toll Free Number Tracking and Dynamic Number Assignment, you will get better ROI from your mobile and web pay per call campaigns.
Adding phone numbers to search ads (especially mobile search ads) not only generates calls, but can improve click-though rates by 5-30% according to Google.
There are many ways to use Astoria’s Pay Per Call performance network with your online and mobile search initiatives:
Real Time Tracking and Reporting
- As soon the call completes, all call details become available to you in the reporting interface.
- Call Recordings Available
- Generate customize reports, including what prompts are pressed during IVR play
- See graphical representations of your data
- download call data into a csv. file
Individual Toll Free Number Tracking
- Instantly activate phone numbers
- Include promo numbers in search ad copy
- Ideal for high traffic, high cost keywords and ad groups
Dynamic Number Assignment
- Ideal for larger pay-per-click keyword portfolios
- Phone numbers are auto assigned to individual search engine, keyword, and match type combination
- Track call-based revenue generated by organic (SEO) traffic as well as paid search
Tying the calls you drive to the keyword that drove the call is a critical way to know which keywords are earning you money and which ones aren’t. That’s what some of the top Pay Per Call Affiliates are doing.
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