Pay per call affiliate

Pay per call is another technique under cost per action scheme like pay per click. It is an agreement between affiliate marketer and the merchant. The advertiser is supposed to pay to the affiliate in the case a customer actually calls. It does not matter that the call turns into the sale or not. All what matters is that the call is placed. The potential customer hits some keywords in the search bar and when he clicks a pay per call add, he is directed to the call center of merchant where he can inquire about the product and services. This is the best method of lead generation. No landing page and no other clickable links, a direct call solves many problems and the call is free for the consumer. This encourages the consumer to call instead of reading all the details about the product.

Role of affiliates:

In pay par call affiliate, affiliates are also involved. These people get a commission from the merchant for collecting the local customers. These affiliates have links to several local merchants and they promote their products. Affiliates generate leads for the merchant and merchant pays a commission per sale. Merchants are adapting this new technique for many reasons, including the quick response which they get from the customer. If the customer gets satisfied, the sale is generated at that time and this is the quickest way. There is another benefit, there is a chance of convincing the customer over telephone and this is more effective as compared to a landing page.

People who are getting benefit from pay per call:

There are a lot of people who are getting benefit from this service including the traders and service providers. Manufacturers have found a new way of advertising their products; however those people who render services are also getting equal benefit. For example, if a doctor advertises his clinic and the patient calls, it is most likely that the patient will end the call after getting the appointment. There are many other examples of the same scenario of service providers. Trading companies have also found a better platform to deliver their products to the right consumers!

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Liza Schubert
Liza Schubert

As the Director of Pay Per Call Marketing, Liza is responsible for strategy and executing marketing partnerships for Astoria and promoting call campaigns and initiatives. Liza prospects and secures Pay Per Call relationships that align and further promotes Astorias offers for their clients and affiliates. In addition, she is fluent in campaign set up integrations on Invoca, Ringba, Retreaver and Trackdrive. Liza has a bachelors degree from American University in Washington DC, in Public Communications, focusing her skill set in writing, public relations, proofreading and research.

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Categories: Pay Per CallPublished On: May 1, 2013

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