Pay-Per-Call Insurance Leads

Replace Clicks with Calls!

The marketing techniques have changed dramatically over the years. The rise of mobile phones, computers, and smart technology has made people restless and impatient. They need quick services and responses. For this, pay-per-call is growing to be an immersive and attractive customer acquisition technique.

It’s much more useful in insurance business leads because they can generate calls from a specific area. Gone is the time when people would personally meet and purchase insurance policies. Now, they can purchase and settle their arrangements over a phone call. Therefore, pay-per-call marketing is the driving force for most businesses nowadays.

However, it can be a challenge to find a trustworthy insurance lead generation company that promises valuable leads. Astoria Company is your rescue to unlock the mind map of generating potential clients through pay-per-call marketing. Let’s see how it works and what makes it special.

Pay-Per-Call Insurance Leads

Similar to PPC campaigns, pay-per-call charges you for calls instead of clicks. Fortunately, they are more converting because the calls are more qualified, and the prospects are more aware and likely to purchase the insurance policy. The process of signing up with Astoria company and starting the campaign is very quick – you can get an ad running in less than 30 minutes.

Following are these processes in a pay-per-call insurance lead generation:

  • You got to have to select the type of leads you want in terms of area, standard, and quality. Also, you have to select the vertical (or niche) for the lead type.
  • Once you know your niche, you sign up with us and we create an ad campaign for your product.
  • We use channels including social media and Google to display your ads which also have a phone number.
  • Initially, when interested customers view the ads, they dial in the number and are connected to our automated IVR system, which analyzes their interests and intent. If the calls meet your preferences, we transfer them to your call center.

Only the calls that are transferred classify for payments. It’s a seamless process where you only get the calls you want. The only effort you need to make is to pitch the customer, connect with them and assist them in their query.

Why is Pay-Per-Call Suitable for Insurance Leads?

People are immersed in their mobile phones like never before. They prefer to do all the settlements on-call rather than to meet agents in person. The growing use of mobile phones makes people call agents to make their purchases. Hence, it’s an interesting opportunity to capture the people where they seek their desires the most.

Secondly, you can even scale your campaigns and targets regions as much you want. On the contrary, you can even niche down the calls you want to take. Therefore, it’s a scalable solution.

Thirdly, Astoria Company provides several benefits that will skyrocket your insurance business. The following are some of our perks:

  • You’ll get exclusive insurance leads in real-time that have high chances of conversion.
  • We even use ping & post and host & post system for generating leads. Ping & post displays partial info of leads to you, and it’s up to you to accept, whereby host & post will show all the info.
  • We track calls in real-time, which can help you assess the ROI of your business.
  • You can get calls during your operation hours.
  • There’s a buffer period, and if the call exceeds the limit, only then will it classify as a billable call.
  • We have numerous networks and marketing channels that work with us in collaboration, ensuring you get high-quality leads.

Customer Acquisition Done Right Pay-Per-Call Marketing!

Do you also want to focus your budget on marketing channels that will yield generous results for your business? Pay-Per-Call is the best solution for you. Not only do you get to pitch prospects in real-time, but you also have a higher likelihood of converting them because of the exclusivity.

 Are you ready to deploy this tactic and see your business boom? Visit our website to learn more about Pay-Per-Call marketing.

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Liza Schubert
Liza Schubert

As the Director of Pay Per Call Marketing, Liza is responsible for strategy and executing marketing partnerships for Astoria and promoting call campaigns and initiatives. Liza prospects and secures Pay Per Call relationships that align and further promotes Astorias offers for their clients and affiliates. In addition, she is fluent in campaign set up integrations on Invoca, Ringba, Retreaver and Trackdrive. Liza has a bachelors degree from American University in Washington DC, in Public Communications, focusing her skill set in writing, public relations, proofreading and research.

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Categories: Pay Per CallPublished On: November 11, 2021

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