Surging Health And Medicare Growth

As the Biden administration, health insurers, and investors continue to reinforce the privatized form of Medicare Advantage (MA) in 2022, get set to see more prospective customers flocking towards these MA plans.

Last month, the latest enrollment numbers for MA plans were released. As of October 2021, more than 27 million Americans were enrolled in a Medicare Advantage plan. That’s more than 40% of the total Medicare enrollment of 63,964,675.

Best Insurance Leads for Agents, Brokers, and Carriers”

— Scott Thompson

These numbers showcase clearly that there is immense potential for startups and smaller health insurance companies to expand in new markets for Medicare Advantage. Private Medicare Advantage health plans have been driving growth for health insurers since 2020. And it has been attracting new health insurance businesses selling MA plans to the market., one of the leading real-time lead providers, is all geared up to help insurance agents scale their new customer base. With its proprietary lead exchange generating and selling high-quality leads for over five years, the pioneer in insurance lead generation has been facilitating insurance professionals with genuine, qualified leads. The powerful technology platform runs on real-time algorithms that help in filtering out prospective consumers actively searching for insurance quotes. This means exclusive, high-quality health insurance leads sent directly to individual agents, franchisees, or insurance agencies.

Scott Thompson, CEO, “ can target the perfect customer for your business based on location and many other custom filters. We’re able to achieve this through our proprietary platform infrastructure that helps insurance agents and brokers receive high-quality, real-time leads. As a health insurance business, you only have to pay for real prospects who are ready to purchase.” sells Exclusive Leads by default which means that insurance companies accessing such leads would be the first ones to have access to the high-intent leads. This will certainly increase the likelihood for such businesses to expand their customer base in the location licensed to the insurance business by the state. Note that Exclusive Leads close at higher rates since they are sold only once. For other business models who are looking for more cost-effective options, consider buying Shared Leads from

“We have a specialized team of experts who manage the marketing campaigns that convert. These experts have a deep understanding of how insurance dynamics work. In fact, we improve our techniques and optimize campaigns through constant feedback to deliver the best results for your business” says Thompson

The insurance agents acquiring leads from are influenced by the quality of leads as well as the diversity of options they gain. Having long-term closing agents demonstrate how organic and exclusive the leads grow a client base. Without a doubt, prides itself on accelerating growth for insurance businesses through new customer acquisition. It is a proprietary lead generation platform that connects insurance companies and agents with high-quality, high-intent prospects.
About is owned by Astoria Company and is a pioneer in insurance lead generation. The real-time lead provider helps insurance agents and companies accelerate new customer acquisition and grow their brands by leveraging its proprietary lead exchange platform. Besides, the insurance lead generation company has a veteran team that comes from the heart of the advertising industry. They know the nature of consumers and advertisers that result in verified, high-quality new customer acquisitions for their clients. The company has proven success in a variety of markets including auto, health, life, home, and renters insurance.

Scott Thompson
Astoria Company
+1 5106637016

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Scott Thompson
Scott Thompson

Scott Thompson is an authoritative industry veteran, CEO and Founder of Astoria Company. With his extensive experience spanning decades in the online advertising industry, he is the driving force behind Astoria Company. Under his leadership, Astoria Company has emerged as a distinguished technology advertising firm specializing in domain development, lead generation, and pay-per-call marketing. Thompson is widely regarded as a technology marketing expert and domain investor, with a portfolio comprising over 570 domains.

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Categories: Press ReleasesPublished On: January 27, 2022

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