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Adnan Nazir

About Adnan Nazir

Meet Adnan, the Vice President of Sales at Astoria Company, where he spearheads Astoria's lead exchange, pay per call, and the forging of new partnerships. With an extensive background spanning over 18 years in sales and marketing, Adnan brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Beyond the boardroom, Adnan finds solace and inspiration in the art of writing. He thrives in the fast-paced world of sales, where his knack for building relationships and strategic thinking propels him to success. Always eager to broaden his horizons, and revels in the opportunity to connect with new faces and discover fresh perspectives.

Buy Medicare and Health Insurance Leads

In the ever-evolving landscape of the healthcare industry, obtaining high-quality leads—whether it's to buy Medicare and Health Insurance Leads, buy Health Insurance and Medicare Leads, or secure Medicare and Health Leads is crucial for insurance agents and companies looking to connect with potential clients. This is particularly true in the [...]

Where To Buy Leads For Real Estate? Here’s All You Need To Know About!

Closing in on deals with clients is the business priority of every real estate agent. Just like almost every other real estate agent, you would agree with me that buying generated real estate leads is a fast and easy way to close more real estate deals. When we talk about [...]

Where To Buy Sales Leads? The Best Lead Agency in 2022

Whether big or small, every business actively searches for potential customers within the targeted market to make sales and broaden its customer base. As we all know, a business owner must capture new leads consistently to maintain the flow and keep their brand growing. For this purpose, business owners have [...]

Is Buying Leads Worth It? All You Need to Know Before Buying Leads

As the world advances, the competition in various sectors has become intense, making it exhausting to find new customers. Therefore, purchasing leads is an excellent alternative to traditional marketing strategies that demand resources and time that most start-ups cannot provide. However, an important question arises here, "is buying leads worth [...]

How to Buy Leads for Real Estate? A complete buyer’s guide.

As the competition in the real estate market becomes more fierce, real estate agents have started to face a shortage of qualified real estate leads. So, it leaves real estate agents with the big question, "how to generate leads for real estate?". Well, the answer is to invest in workable [...]

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