Monetize Your Domains

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Domain Portfolio Investors Turn to Astoria Company to Better Monetize Their Assets

Long ago people discovered how valuable a great domain is for business. Some buy a domain name to build out their company brand on the world wide web, while others have been steadily buying domain names like a real estate investor.  Over time, acquiring more domain names and watching the values go up and up every year. Domain name owners generally make money in a number of ways.

  1. Buy, patiently hold and sell strategy:  the business is to buy low and sell high.  Being patient for the right buyer to come along.  While waiting for the right buyer to come along, if someone were to visit the URL, they would see the domain is for sale.  No opportunity to make money off the customer.
  2. Parked-Pages:  The domain’s registrar will serve up an ad page called a “Parked Page Ads”.  This page is basically a big advertisement for the domain registrar with no real value to the domain or the owner.  Not going to make any money worth bragging about, if any.
  3. Pay Per Click Ads:  Some put up pay per click ads from Google Adsense or another third-party company. Just one page with click ads.  No real content on the page, no real value being added to the consumer visiting the page and very little revenue. Nothing to get excited about.

Here’s where Astoria Company comes in.  Astoria owns a proprietary lead exchange platform for many B2C campaigns spanning a plethora of verticals. Two hundred plus pay per call and lead generation campaigns where Astoria facilitates over 50 million leads being bought and sold every month.  Astoria also has a full time web design and engineering team to create beautiful branded website that convert (make real money!)

How does this help domain owners?

Scott Thompson, Founder and CEO of Astoria Company tells it like this; “We wanted to create a super easy, no cost, no effort process for Domainers to work with us and make a heck of a lot more money. Domain owners point their URL to Astoria’s server and that’s where the magic happens.”   Astoria has 100% professional, high-converting landing pages, microsites and full websites for all verticals categories.  Each page is coded so its mobile responsive as well. All sites may have Lead generation forms, pay per call toll free numbers and pay per click ads woven into the content and creative assets.  Not only will the customer visiting the page see an extremely profession site, Astoria builds the sites to have SEO value as well. Again, no cost to owner of the domains, just higher earnings.

Here’s an example where Astoria put its magic touch, This is a free rate comparing portal site and one main area of revenue opportunity is in the Auto Financing category. The end result is a fine example of what a domain owner could expect when working with Astoria.  Check out the landing page here:

Astoria Company is a 2015 Inc500 honoree, ranking #119 overall, and #19 of the Top Advertising & Marketing companies.

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Adnan Nazir
Adnan Nazir

Meet Adnan, the Vice President of Sales at Astoria Company, where he spearheads Astoria's lead exchange, pay per call, and the forging of new partnerships. With an extensive background spanning over 18 years in sales and marketing, Adnan brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise. Beyond the boardroom, Adnan finds solace and inspiration in the art of writing. He thrives in the fast-paced world of sales, where his knack for building relationships and strategic thinking propels him to success. Always eager to broaden his horizons, and revels in the opportunity to connect with new faces and discover fresh perspectives.

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Categories: Press ReleasesPublished On: August 4, 2016

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